Dazed and Confused? New California Cannabis Laws Explained
Study up on Assembly Bills 1793 and 3067 in this short video.
CategoryCannabis, Farm + Table, The Buzz
Find yourself having a hard time keeping up with California’s fast-moving cannabis laws and late-breaking developments? You’re not alone. Assembly Bills 1793 and 3067 are two of the latest laws to pass, and will impact everything from online advertising of cannabis to prison sentences for people convicted of certain marijuana-related offenses.
Assembly Bill 3067 closes up some previous loopholes, and essentially forbids the online marketing of cannabis-related products to minors. AB 1793, on the other hand, will be welcome news to people currently serving time for pot convictions. The bill requires the Department of Justice to automatically reduce or dismiss certain cannabis-related charges by the summer of 2020, which proponents say could ease the strain on California’s already overcrowded prison population.
Watch the video here.
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